What can you do?

Raise your concerns before 26th September

Do it online or in an email, it's easy!

You will receive an acknowledgement most quickly (two working days) by commenting online or by email.

Commenting online requires you to login to the Planning Services website. You can create an account on the comments page directly:


Alternatively email your comment to planning@lewisham.gov.uk

If you prefer you can post comments to:

Planning Department

Lewisham Council

Laurence House

Catford Road

London SE6 4RU

Raising objections

If you wish to object, state clearly in your letter:

"I WISH TO OBJECT to the application DC/20/117886 | The demolition of the garages adjacent to 7 & 9 Ewelme Road and to the rear of 30-38 Woodcombe Crescent, SE23, and the construction of 5x 3-bedroom dwellinghouses and the associated landscaping, refuse storage and cycle parking."

Avoid objections that will be dismissed

Bear in mind that you need to stick to planning matters for your objections to be considered valid. Last thing you want is for your objections to be rejected as not valid.

Lack of consultation is not a sufficient objection

It's certainly worth raising the lack of consultation as an issue but ultimately it's unlikely to carry sufficient weight to be considered as an objection to the development.

The developer and Lewisham Council have met the legal requirements by notifying residents of the application. It's just guidance that says they should do more consultation.

The lack of consultation has been raised with the Planning Service along with all three Forest Hill ward councillors and it has been acknowledged by one of them.

Profit motivation is not a valid objection

Objecting to the developer being motivated only by maximising profit is not valid. Building houses is a business and it's part of normal economic activity in the UK. London overall is short of housing and new houses on brownfield sites* is encouraged at multiple levels of the planning system and is certainly the case all across London.

* Garages which make it possible to have more cars than needed in a city with good public transport are a good example of a brownfield site.

Base objections on the design and its appropriateness

What you can object to is the design, specifically that it is an over-development of the site. Use those words, it's standard in planning.

What is proposed:

  • will become an eyesore due to materials used, (AMENDMENT)

  • invades privacy, (REDISIGN)

  • cuts light, (REDISIGN)

  • creates traffic hazards, (REDESIGN)

  • creates parking pressure, (REDESIGN)

  • affects usability of outdoor space, (REDISIGN)

  • doesn't specify what is replacing the wall at the end of your garden, (AMMENDMENT)

  • has an unacceptable ecological and environmental impact (trees, birds, etc.) (REDISIGN)

  • Lacks water management details (AMMENDMENT)

  • Lacks a fire safety strategy etc. (AMMENDMENT / REDESIGN)

Note that some of those points might be addressed by amendments to the current application, some will require a complete redesign. If you want the latter, be sure to object to over-development and include at least one point that requires a redesign. You don't have to make all of them either, just the ones that matter most to you. If everyone write from their own perspective it will give the correct impression that everyone is individually concerned for a variety of reasons.

The hope is that, with a representative level of objections raised by residents, the application will be rejected or withdrawn, there will be a community consultation and a new, more appropriate, design will be proposed.

Guidance from Lewisham Planning Services

What you should comment about

Lewisham Planning Service will consider comments about:

  • noise

  • impact on amenity (e.g. light, privacy, outlook)

  • conservation areas

  • design or appearance of the development

  • highway safety

  • traffic and parking issues

  • wildlife impact

  • planning site history

  • compatibility with other uses in the area.

There is a bite size list of issues raised by residents on the home page. You may have specific concerns relating to your property, the environment and use of open space or parking facilities.

Invalid comments

Lewisham Planning Service will not consider comments about:

  • loss of value to property

  • boundary disputes or ownership issues

  • noise from construction

  • loss of view

  • issues of a moral or religious nature

  • health and safety risks

Stick to the facts

Your objections or supporting comments on applications must be:

  • polite

  • rational

  • impersonal

  • only about the planning issues raised by the proposal.

Further details on commenting are available at:
