What's this about?
Garages on Woodcombe Crescent to be replaced by a terrace of five three story houses
RCT Construction Ltd. has applied to demolish the garages adjacent to 7 & 9 Ewelme Road and to the rear of 30-38 Woodcombe Crescent, and to construct a terrace of 5 x 3-bedroom houses on the site.
This will have several negative impacts on the surrounding residents and the development's new occupants.
Among these are that the redevelopment has:
no onsite parking and emergency vehicle access only which will lead to more traffic hazards and parking pressure at the junction of Woodcombe Crescent and Ewelme road with delivery vans stationary on the road for extended periods.
A shared wall between the basketball court at Drakes Court and one of the houses which will affect residents use of the court.
Cramped houses with little outdoor space.
Timber cladding which will become an eyesore in less than a decade.
Balconies which overlook many private gardens.
Documents describing the planning application
All the relevant documents are available on the Lewisham Planning Website:
These copies of the documents were taken on 07/09/2020

Design and Access document
Covers the key reasoning and criteria for the development

Site drawings
Architects plans